Thursday 10 June 2010

Swimming Pool Cake

Before I start this I should say that I am no cake decorating expert. I make one or two over the top ones a year and otherwise the decorating is more of a slap-dash, plonk and sprinkle affair. However D.D. asked for a swimming pool for her 7th birthday so here's how it went:

Having made a rectangular sponge cake with a secret (more later) it was time to ice. I started by colouring some fondant icing blue and then laid together sausages of blue and white before loosely mixing them together and rolling them out to make

a water effect which was then laid across the top of the cake.

On top of that I cut out a flat swimming figure giving her a costume and swimming hat, later I put some thin lines of white rolled out icing to look like rippled water.

Some quick tiles were made by cutting up squares of white icing which were then stuck around the edges of the cake

with some pale blue buttercream icing.

I quickly whipped up a pair of diving feet then covered the whole of the water surface with clear icing gel which I had to search for and had ordered in by a local cake shop, but that was when the transformation happened.

I cut out a DEEP END sign for one end and DD's name on the other along with 7 and it was finished.

The fun bit was cutting into it to discover that the water had depth!

1 comment:

  1. what a fabulous cake... I love the 'diving feet'... they're my favourite part!
