Saturday 26 June 2010

More felted necklace fun.

My d.d. and I have been continuing with our felted necklace fun.
We are mad on these, they are such fun to make and get loads of good comments when worn. Thanks to Kleas blog for the original instructions.

This is how we go about it:
We start by sorting out which colours of wool roving we want to use. My daughter has to use at least one shade of pink!

She spread out the fibres and made some multicoloured piles which were then rolled up into sausages and dunked in warm (as hot as she liked) water.
There was then a lot of rolling and rubbing with a piece of soap and some net fabric wrapped around the felt. In the hot water, out again and rub.... keeping going until ...............
a roughly held together felt snake (or two) had been made.

 (The Secret bit: at this stage she went to bed and I cunningly put the sausages inside a dedicates washing net then threw them in the washing machine with a load of washing. They came out smaller and more solidly felted and needed a bit of pulling to make them straight.)

When dry they were then chopped up with sharp scissors to make the disc/ beads and threaded together to make the necklaces. Clear elastic thread seems to be a good solution.
This one was made for me and the bottom one was made for her, because it's got more pink in it!
Definitely good fun to make, great as gifts for children to make and be genuinely wearable.

There's a 7 year old girl at my daughter's swimming class who always comes to see me to check out what I'm knitting and what necklace I have on. She is desperate for her mum to help her make one, so hopefully this will be of some use!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for letting me know you and your daughter gave my tutorial a try!! i love your added tips for how it best worked for you. i'll have to try throwing them in the wash next time.... the colors you chose are lovely
